|Working from home can be great—you get to spend more time with your family and work comfortably from your favorite spot in the house. However, it can be challenging to keep the productivity level at a maximum, if you don’t create an efficient work routine.
|Social media platforms are known as great digital hangouts to visit when you want to feel inspired or entertained with endless scrolling opportunities showcasing photos of people, places, and of course, lots and lots of adorable animals. It was only natural for pets to take center stage and become superstars of their own social media accounts. In fact, if you have not yet seen a hedgehog wearing socks, please take a moment to search for that now... don't worry, I'll be here when you get back (trust me, it's fantastic).
|Lake Tahoe is one of the most beautiful bodies of water in all of the United States. Spanning over 21 miles of sparkling blue water, Lake Tahoe continues to be a premier vacation destination for people all over the country.
|As a millenial myself, I am no stranger to the perceptions that the media has given our generation of being focused solely on enjoying avocado toast without a care in the world or any goals for the future. From my own opinion, this couldn't be farther from the truth.
|PsychologyToday.com explains that core "values are a set of attitudes, unique to each individual, which govern our behavior and guide the way we look at the world." Essentially, core values are the beliefs, ideas, and concepts that we have about ourselves and the world around us, that help steer us in the direction we would like our life to head.
|I bet you've had the experience of sitting down to get a task or project started and after awhile realize that you haven't completed anything on your to-do list because you found three other tasks to do first, or spent the last 30 minutes watching super inspirational YouTube videos (or hilarious cat videos). I know I am absolutely guilty of this!
|It's that time of year again... time to set those New Years resolutions or goals that you would like to achieve for the year. Although not everyone sets new goals to work on, many people do, and it's most common on the 1st day of a new year.
Check out the resolutions that people in the US set for last year in the chart below: |
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