|In America, anxiety disorders (AD) and substance use disorders (SUD) co-occur at such great rates that they cannot be left unaddressed.
For example, 20 percent of individuals diagnosed with AD also have a problem with substance abuse, according to The Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
|This article will take us through the history of gambling including the reasons that people partake in this activity in present day that originated in the 17th century, while focusing on ways to gamble responsibly. The benefits of gambling can range from stress relief to healthy socialization and, of course, the chance to win big.
|An addiction can be very hard to overcome, especially when you are dealing with a substance like alcohol. Over time, and with support, many people do manage to overcome a substance abuse problem, but it’s not uncommon for relapses to happen throughout the recovery process.
Top 10 Ways To Manage Stress In Sobriety
Everyone has moments when they get stressed out. Yet, stress can be a make it or break situation for certain people. More specifically, a person like me. A person who is a recovering addict.
|In case you're new to this blog, welcome! You might notice that there is a ton of information about well-being sprinkled throughout this website, with a heavy focus on mental health concerns. My hope is to share information and stories about all things mental health so that others can learn and not be afraid to reach out.
|Addiction is a term most people are familiar with because of the immense difficulties and emotional heartache associated with going through addiction concerns or knowing an individual who is suffering from the reliance on substances. By gaining knowledge and understanding of the causes, impacts and supports or treatments available, we can all help reduce the occurrence and suffering of those impacted by addiction.
|So far in this series focusing on addiction, we have explored the definition and the impacts of addiction. In this article, we will explore ways of coping with the impacts of addiction including a section on how individuals who are caring or concerned about a loved one with addiction can cope.
|In the second article of this 4-part series focusing on addiction, we will explore the many impacts that an addiction can have, not only the individual with a diagnoses of addiction, but also the toll on those connected to this individual and society in general.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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