|Most of us have taken the guidance of many people since we were children. We might call them teachers, coaches, mentors or guides. These terms are often used interchangeably so that we think of them as the same.
|There is something special about the fall season. It's something I can't quite put my finger on, but the smells of pumpkin and cinnamon, and the vibrant colours of orange and yellow bring a nostalgia to my mind. It might have to do with the crispness that can be felt in the air as the weather cools and the breeze that makes you reach for an extra sweater or blanket for comfort.
|What do you do when you’re stressed out, anxious, or depressed? Have you ever thought of consulting your Tarot cards for advice?
|What do you do before bed? Is it going on your phone and scrolling through social media or is it watching Netflix until you fall asleep?
|Whenever we meet someone who is really confident and charismatic, we are often left in awe. “How are they so confident?!” we wonder, as we closely watch to try and figure out what makes them this way.
|Living in the 21st century is no piece of cake. In today’s fast-paced world, we have to constantly pressurize ourselves to keep up with the rat race that we are all involved in.
|A little known fact about me is that I have always been fascinated and inspired by the spiritual or metaphysical realm. And regardless of an individuals spiritual or religious beliefs, I am certain that most individuals would agree on the idea of internal transformation and healing, regardless of it's form.
|Working from home may host quite a few alluring perks, although, some of the downfalls are equally as notable. While remote workers avoid rush hour traffic stress and enjoy the comfort of their homes, keeping productivity and self-motivation up can be quite a challenge. No longer having the structure of a regular office job can play a massive role in reduced productivity as several home influences may enhance comfort a bit too much.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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