|If you suffer from anxiety, you will know just how crippling it can be at times. Living with anxiety will mean that you are continually feeling as though you are on edge and prepared for any danger to happen in your life.
|I have shared several articles previously on the topic of anxiety on this blog, but it's also worthwhile noting that there are many other bloggers who have first hand experience, or extensive training, on the topic of anxiety-reduction.
|Social anxiety disorder is the third most common mental disorder, behind only depression and substance abuse. Lifetime prevalence rates are 12% for social anxiety disorder, meaning that 12% of the population will be diagnosed with this illness during their lifetime.
|Anxiety is something we all face in one way or another, and so it can be important to learn more about things to remember when you experience this very common phenomenon of feeling anxious.
|If you think back to the very first flight you took in your life, can you recall the thoughts that were going through your mind as your plane was sitting on the runway, waiting to take off? Were some of these thoughts linked to feelings of anxiety, or even panic? If so, you're not alone! Many people have pre-travel anxiety, but there are ways to get through this very common, and often very difficult, experience, so that you feel more comfortable boarding that next plane on your next adventure.
|We’re currently living through something of an anxiety epidemic. Severe and chronic anxiety affects more than 12 per cent of Canadians every year, according to the Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada. Many people experience some level of anxiety at some point in their lifetime.
|We've all had those days when it seems like nothing is going right... you wake up in the morning only to realize you slept through your alarm! You race to get ready, skipping breakfast, end up missing the bus, and getting to work half an hour late. Your coworker asks you how your morning has been and you automatically snap at them.
|Anxiety has a way of creeping into our lives whether we're on board with it's presence or not, and although we may not have control over the biological underpinnings of this phenomenon, anxiety can be managed or even prevented with a range of techniques or with the help of a therapist or other supports. This is the fourth installment in a series focusing on anxiety and will explore strategies and treatment options to help with symptoms of anxiety.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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