|If you are reading this post, then you are probably about to lay someone you love to rest. This is undoubtedly an extremely upsetting period in anyone’s life. And, if you have the task of choosing a coffin, it can be even tougher, especially when it is difficult to think straight as it is once you have lost someone you love. This is why we have put this post together – to try and make it that little bit easier for you. So, keep on reading to discover everything you need to know.
|First things first, you don’t need to be an artist in order to experience the benefits of using art in your grief journey. Fine art - what people usually think of when they say, “I’m not an artist!” - is all about the product. Grief art, on the other hand, is all about the process of creating it. It might produce a result that’s less than aesthetically pleasing, but know what? Grief isn’t pretty, either.
|Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences anyone can go through, and it can be especially painful during the holidays. When traditions are done without those you are used to experiencing them with, even the most anticipated of holiday festivities can feel empty and even painful, especially if the loss was unexpected.
|Experiencing loss is an undeniable part of life, and whether it is losing a loved one, experiencing a job loss, or going through a major life transition, the grief that accompanies a loss can be incredibly difficult to go through and can cause serious disruptions in an individuals life in many different ways.
|The emotional toll a loss can have on an individual can impact on many different areas of a persons well-being, relationships or life in general. Thankfully, humans are quite resilient in that we have an innate ability to move through the steps of grief in order to continue living and, eventually, thriving, even after a devastating loss.
|Everyone experiences grief and loss to varying degrees and at some point in their lives. This third article in a series about grief and loss we will first explore the impacts a person may experience after enduring a loss or bereavement which includes a segment on complicated grief.
|Understandably, grief and loss can be a difficult topic to read about and so, while I highly appreciate your time, if you have experienced a loss recently, or are experiencing a tough time, please be mindful of your own emotions and well-being as some of the information in the post and series may be tough to read while in the midst of your own experience of loss.
|Welcome to the Bloggers Corner which is a focus for all of the incredibly talented online bloggers I have had the pleasure of meeting along my own blogging journey so far. As a therapist, I am always curious to hear about the experiences and journey that has led a person to become who they are today, and so far I have found that each blogger has a unique story to tell of their own.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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