|This article has been a few months in the works and is quite different from any other article I have written for my blog so far. With 7 total years of university experience, it's safe to say I have done my fair share of research for assignments and projects and although it can be a lot of work to do, I have a deep appreciation for critically analyzing data, exploring the themes that emerge, and learning from the outcomes.
|I am so excited to accept the nomination for the Blogger Recognition Award! This award is given by bloggers who would like to recognize the work and talent of their fellow bloggers. I think it's a fantastic idea, and the I am honoured to have been chosen.
Welcome to the first ever Bloggers Corner! Previously, I have showcased talented therapists and mental health professionals through the Therapists Corner posts every month, but this month I wanted to shake things up and also start interviewing some of the incredibly talented online bloggers I have had a the pleasure of meeting recently.
|I started this blog in October 2016 with a plan to write informative and practical posts about topics related to mental health and wellness. My intention was to share the knowledge that I have gained through both my education and my experiences working in the helping field with others in a easy-to-understand way. In this post I will share with how my original plan has evolved over time, and how well I am meeting my goals of being a mental health blogger.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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