|In previous articles, we have explored the mental health condition of depression and explored how a diagnosis of clinical depression can greatly differ from a general feeling of sadness, low energy, or just feeling really down in general. Depression can negatively impact many areas of a persons life and be difficult to overcome without support or treatment.
|What is the difference between depression and sadness? Often times, people may say "I'm feeling really depressed today" and while this person may be experiencing feelings of sadness, low energy, or just feeling really down in general, being diagnosed with a depressive condition is much different than an experience of short-term unhappiness.
|Talking about clinical depression can be pretty tough, as it might not be a topic that gets talked about so often over the dinner table or in a casual conversation with friends, so I'm glad that you have been able to stay with me through this 4-part series on depression.
|Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world impacting over 300 million people worldwide (that's about the population of the United States of America!), and while 3-5% of adults in the US suffer from depression at any given time, many people may not know the signs and symptoms of clinical depression. It's also important to note that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
|This article will focus on the differences between a clinical diagnosis of the mental health condition of depression compared with a general feeling of overwhelming sadness or unhappiness. It can be important to know when to seek more help with feelings related to depression in order to be properly diagnosed and to start receiving professional treatment.
|The theme for this month on the blog will focus on exploring the mental health concern of depression. As a therapist, I have personally worked with many individuals who have experienced the difficulties associated with depression, and have heard the pain and suffering that can accompany this mental health condition.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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