|Making the decision to start therapy can be a huge decision, and also a step in the direction of greater understanding of yourself and your needs. Congratulations on choosing to have support from a professional who can walk alongside you on a journey of self-discovery! You deserve to have a safe and open space to talk about your concerns, explore your deepest hopes and dreams, and learn new skills to take away into your daily life.
|I am excited to announce that we have a special guest who is joining us for a Q&A to share about her personal and professional background, as well as her business 1L Designs. I met Alison online through a Facebook group we are both members of and instantly realized we had a few things in common, including a passion (and career) for helping others and a love of essential oils.
|The theme for this month on the blog will focus on exploring the mental health concern of depression. As a therapist, I have personally worked with many individuals who have experienced the difficulties associated with depression, and have heard the pain and suffering that can accompany this mental health condition.
|Welcome to another edition of the Therapists Corner! I feel like there are so many talented helping professionals in the world, including counsellors, psychologists, coaches or even naturopath healers, the talented and caring people who have made their career about helping others deserve to be in the spotlight from time to time.
|Welcome back to Therapists Corner. I'm happy to introduce my friend and colleague, Jonas Ogonowski from Being & Becoming Integral Counselling to the blog.
|Welcome to another edition of the Therapists Corner!
I am thrilled and honoured to introduce my friend and colleague, Debbie Tiernan from Room to Relate, to my blog as this week's guest blogger. Debbie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the area of mental health and focuses on relationship counselling in her private practice located in Australia. I first met Debbie during our postgraduate counselling years and have forged a lasting friendship ever since. Let's start the Q&A!
|The Therapists Corner is a chance to hear from other therapists, as well as anyone with an interest in mental health, in order to learn from their experiences and hear about the motivations that drive them to provide professional healing practices to others.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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