|How often do you find yourself daydreaming about a goal you have for your future? Maybe it's to own your own home, finally travel to that country on the top of your bucket list, or buy a home gym so that you can focus on your physical health. The feeling of accomplishing that goal can feel great, however the steps to take to get to the finish line can sometimes feel daunting.
|As we are soon arriving at the end of another year, it can be a time of reflection and pause to consider the learning we can gather from our experiences and efforts over the previous 12 months. Sometimes this can be daunting, especially if it has been a particularly tough year for one reason or another, but it can also be indispensably helpful to bring what we have learned into a new year.
|Thinking about and planning your financial future may seem like it would be boring or a task that you would want to do on a rainy day, but actually financial planning can be enjoyable and even fun. Automating savings and considering retirement plans can also ease any stress or worry you may have about your future.
|Thinking about the fact that you’ll need an attorney at some point in time might cause you to feel stress or overwhelm, yet, unfortunately, these instances do occur. Luckily you can access legal assistance when issues arise to help you through some of the most challenging situations.
|Fact: A 2018 survey by the Federal Reserve indicated 40% of Americans would not be able to cover a $400 emergency. In Canada, household debt rose in the first quarter as the COVID-19 pandemic began to take hold of the economy.
|Are you planning to take out a student loan?
No doubt, opting for a student loan can help you to pursue a higher degree! And getting a higher degree helps to increase your earning potential! |Money has a wild impact on people's lives. Without it, you'll struggle to survive in society and risk being pushed out onto the street. With it, you might feel the ever-increasing temptation to keep spending to keep up with the Joneses. And for the rich, sometimes it can be quite deflating when you realize that you are not much happier than you were when you were reasonably well-off.
|It will probably be no surprise to hear that the holidays can be a very stressful time of year. In fact, a survey from 2015 found that:
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