|If you haven't jumped on the bullet journal bandwagon yet... what are you waiting for?! Especially in a time when you might be spending a lot more time at home, allowing your creative juices to flow by creating unique and useful bullet journal spreads is a great way to spend your time in while being isolated from the rest of the world.
|In this article, I will be sharing information about The Intuitive Soul's Activity Book, my own review, how to purchase a copy for yourself, and also an exclusive freebie. Keep reading to claim a free sample of the book!
|The start of a new year can be a time that many people start new traditions or resolutions in order to bolster overall health and well-being. While some people opt for a new gym membership or weekly yoga classes in order to invest in a new physical health regime, others may seek to invest in a positive change for their mental health and well-being, like introducing reflective practices into their daily routine.
Journaling is the deliberate act of recording personal experiences, ideas, or reflections regularly for your own use. Chances are, if you have ever taken the time to write down the thoughts that have been on your mind in a notebook or scribbled how you felt on a piece of paper, you have done this practice yourself!
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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