|Social media platforms are known as great digital hangouts to visit when you want to feel inspired or entertained with endless scrolling opportunities showcasing photos of people, places, and of course, lots and lots of adorable animals. It was only natural for pets to take center stage and become superstars of their own social media accounts. In fact, if you have not yet seen a hedgehog wearing socks, please take a moment to search for that now... don't worry, I'll be here when you get back (trust me, it's fantastic). Okay, back? Great! (And you're welcome.. adorable, right?). So with all this attention that animals and pets are getting on social media, the pet influencer was created. What is a pet influencer you ask? Essentially, it's the same as any other influencer who shares their opinion on brands or services, but this time the stories and products come from the expertise of the pet influencer. What are all these animals doing with their new found fame and fortune, you might ask? We explore this more throughout this article, but in a nutshell, pet influencers are literally making the world a better place in the most adorable and selfless ways possible. Keep reading to learn how they're doing it! Please note: This article does not contain medical or therapeutic advice. If you are concerned about your health or well-being speak with a health professional or visit your nearest medical facility in an emergency. This is a collaborative post. How Pet Influencers are Making the World a Better PlacePets can be goofy and downright adorable, but what about humanitarian? It's astonishing to learn just how many pets and animals have built up a substantial social media following (with their human counterparts help) - we're talking millions of followers. Rather than letting all of their proceeds go to treats and toys, these pet influencers have gone out of their way to give back. You might be reading this wondering why you haven't started a social media page for your own pet, in which case you could consider an automation tool to help to grow your pets' social media feed. Generally, advice is to stay clear of the Jarvee automation bot and use a growth service like Growthoid instead. "Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub, Boo the Pomeranian and Doug the Pug are just some of the internet's star animals, who do everything from support worthy causes to promote major brands." ~ France24.com Some of the ways pet influencers are making the world a better place is through fundraising, advocating for adoption, as well as education. Let's find out more! Fundraising One of the main good deeds of these furry social media celebrities is to raise funds for other animals. Some of the most popular pet influencers have raised millions of dollars for their animal friends in need. The proceeds of their fundraising efforts go to many different causes, including:
There are so many responsible and caring pet owners in the world, it can be difficult to believe that some humans neglect or even abuse their pets. Animals deserve to be cared for and kept safe, and I am truly grateful for all of the organizations around the world take care of animals in need, and for pet influencers for shining a light on this need. Advocating for Adoption It should go without saying that there are so many reasons to adopt a pet rather than buy one from a pet store or breeder, and pet influencers have been helping to shine a light on this very worthy and important cause through their ability to reach thousands, and sometimes millions, of people around the world. Education Now a household name, Cole and Marmalade are YouTube stars of the feline-kind and are featured in both fun and quirky but also educational videos on topics such as household hazards for cats, how to brush your pets teeth, and safe ways to introduce new cats or kittens to each other for the first time. In a world with so many tragedies and inhumane acts being shared on the news every single day, these pet influencers are bringing light and positive-vibes to their social media followers daily. As a pet parent myself, I am grateful for the thoughtful owners for turning their best friends into online celebrities who are helping out so many less-fortunate animals around the world. Interested in starting your own pets social media campaign to bring smiles and laughter to millions? You will no doubt have some followers already, like friends or family who already share a love for your furry friend. But how do you build a following? Check out the best site to buy Instagram followers so that you can quickly build a loyal fan base who will keep coming back for more and more content from your superstar pet. In a previous article, I shared about the powerful impact that pets can have on a persons mood and mental health, and whether you are viewing an adorable photo on social media, or interacting with an animal in person, the change to a more positive mood can be instantaneous. And if your Instagram is right at the starting line and needs a bit of a boost, check out how to buy Instagram likes from real users to help increase your audience reach so that your pet star can reach more fans around the world. Owning a pet can even promote healthy lifestyle changes including increase in exercise from taking your pet for walks and creating opportunities to socialize and meet new people, to lowering levels of anxiety and increasing feelings of happiness. Pets have also shown the remarkable ability to support individuals who are seeking support during therapy. Some of the benefits for a client of including an animal within the therapy session includes:
So the next time you are scrolling through your social media feed and come across an adorable photo or video of an animal, be sure to check out their profile to see if they advocate for a cause and consider doing your part to make the world a better place by helping out those less fortunate animals around the world. Related: The Health Benefits of Owning a Dog The links in this article may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no additional cost to you. Want to start your own blog? Click here to learn how!
1/22/2020 07:34:16 am
Neat to read about additional wonderful things from our animal friends and those who love them. Thanks for sharing!
1/22/2020 06:18:36 pm
I am definitely an animal friend, and it was fun to write an article about animals doing great work around the world through the use of technology. :) Thanks for your comment, Kathryn!
I love that there has been so much talk about rescue animals and the importance of adoption. All 4 of our pets are rescues and I will do everything I can to help others find their forever homes! These animals all deserve so much love, and they have so much love to give in return.
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