|As the holidays are fast approaching, it's time to start planning for the annual holiday party! Whether you're hosting a small gathering of family and friends or a larger event, making sure everyone is well-fed and nourished is key. And although preparing for a holiday party may seem stressful, it doesn't have to be!
|It's that time of year again when we turn on the holiday music, grab a mug of hot cocoa and get into the holiday decorating mode! I bet you have a favourite holiday movie (or two) that you have been waiting all year to watch. But first, let's create a cozy holiday environment with decor options for your home so that you can truly feel the holiday spirit.
|Halloween is a fun holiday for both adults and children alike. And as the countdown to Halloween approaches, companies are getting into the spooky festivities with all sorts of products to satisfy any scare-lover or casual costume wearer.
|The holiday season can be a costly time of year but with a little imagination and some help from the world of blogging, you can learn how to create your own low-cost, do-it-yourself holiday crafts to share as gifts, centerpieces, or even as self-care options to unwind after a long day of baking!
|Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences anyone can go through, and it can be especially painful during the holidays. When traditions are done without those you are used to experiencing them with, even the most anticipated of holiday festivities can feel empty and even painful, especially if the loss was unexpected.
|If you are spending time with family and friends this holiday season, you may be feeling apprehensive about the amount of socializing you are about to engage in, especially if you have many events planned. It can be overwhelming to receive multiple invites for family dinners, work parties, and gatherings with friends, so it can help to feel more prepared with effective ways to communicate with others.
|It will probably be no surprise to hear that the holidays can be a very stressful time of year. In fact, a survey from 2015 found that:
|The holiday season is a truly remarkable time of year filled with memorable and enjoyable moments spent with family friends, yet the lead up to these experiences can cause unbelievable stress and even incite panic in some last minute shoppers.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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