|Many mothers feel a calling beyond their family responsibilities. Balancing life as a parent while contributing to a greater purpose forms the nexus of the modern, purpose-driven mom. This article focuses on the journey of mothers in the non-profit sector, who've managed to unite their parenting roles with making a meaningful impact in the world.
|Finding the right balance between work and family life is a significant challenge for moms. The overwhelming feeling of juggling the responsibilities of parenthood while pursuing a career can even force some to choose one over the other. However, in today's inclusive and flexible business world, mothers no longer have to make this difficult choice.
|Are you feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your home and in your mind? Do you find yourself constantly searching for things amidst the chaos, both externally and internally? Then, it's time to take action and embark on a journey of decluttering your space and your mind. In this article, we'll delve into practical tips and effective strategies that will empower you to simplify not only your physical space but also your mental landscape.
|Having a child is an exciting and life-changing event, but it can also come with some pretty big sacrifices. If you're a mom or a dad struggling to manage both home and work life, the good news is that there are plenty of good habits you can adopt to make things easier.
|Has your team reached a snag in their employee wellbeing and productivity? Then elevate your people's potential with these seven out-of-the-box workforce development and growth ideas. From incorporating gamification to fostering a culture of continuous learning, this blog post will provide you with new and exciting ways to keep your employees engaged and motivated. So, bid goodbye to traditional, monotonous methods, and say hello to a dynamic approach that will inspire your team to reach new heights. Let's jump right in!
|Thinking about the fact that you’ll need an attorney at some point in time might cause you to feel stress or overwhelm, yet, unfortunately, these instances do occur. Luckily you can access legal assistance when issues arise to help you through some of the most challenging situations.
|As a pet owner, I am constantly considering the health of my furry friends. When my eldest cat started to have sneezing attacks on a daily basis, I started to worry about his well-being. What was causing him to sneeze sometimes 10 times in a row!? Worried, I took him to our veterinarian who shared that his symptoms may be caused by an allergy in the environment.
|There is no doubt that this past year has been tough in so many ways. The pandemic, for better or for worse, has taught us many lessons, including the fact that although it's impossible to predict the future, we can make plans in the event that protect us and our loved ones in the future. One such plan includes ensuring that our wills and estate planning documents are completed and up-to-date.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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