|Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences anyone can go through, and it can be especially painful during the holidays. When traditions are done without those you are used to experiencing them with, even the most anticipated of holiday festivities can feel empty and even painful, especially if the loss was unexpected. As traumatic as the experience of loss can be, there are ways to get through it. Consider the four tips shared in this collaborative article in order to help you keep going over the holidays from an unexpected loss. Note: The information in this article is not legal, medical or therapeutic advice. If you are concerned about your health or well-being, please seek help from a doctor or crisis line. Grieving Through the Holidays: |
Articles About Grief:
Holiday Articles:
We had an unexpected death around the holidays, by far the toughest loss I’ve ever experienced.
Thank you for this post.
I'm so sorry to hear that, Kevin. It can be super tough to go through a loss during the holidays. I hope you and your family have been able to take care of yourselves. All the best!
Wonderful advice. Very well put and I’m sure can be so helpful this holiday season
My husband passed away Sept 2017 and I still am having issues dealing with this. Last night was one of the worse night's I have had. I was watch Law & Order SVU and all of a sudden I broke down. I can not be around a lot of people so going to a grief group is out of the question. I do not know what to do I am completely lost. My 30 year anniversary is the 27 of Dec. so I have no idea what that day is going to be like. Anyway my prayer are with everyone that has lost someone and God will I will get thru this, by myself, I have no family. God Bless
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband, Vicki. I can only imagine just how tough this must be for you and I'm glad you connected on the blog to share. I hope you do find some support in your life to be there for you. If you would like some help with finding support feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] - take good care of yourself!
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