|If you are reading this post, then you are probably about to lay someone you love to rest. This is undoubtedly an extremely upsetting period in anyone’s life. And, if you have the task of choosing a coffin, it can be even tougher, especially when it is difficult to think straight as it is once you have lost someone you love. This is why we have put this post together – to try and make it that little bit easier for you. So, keep on reading to discover everything you need to know. Please note: This article does not contain legal, financial, real estate, healthcare or therapeutic advice. If you are concerned about your health or well-being, speak with a health professional or visit your nearest medical facility in an emergency. This is a collaborative article. Coping with Laying A Loved One To RestAs you go through the stages of grief, consider these strategies to help you cope through the loss and the next steps in the process of laying a loves one to rest:
It can be tough to know the next steps after losing a loved one. Hopefully you have support from family and friends, and a directive to follow in case you are holding a funeral or celebration of life for your loved one. You may need to decide on difficult decisions, for example, choosing a coffin or casket to bury your loved one. If you take a look on the Internet, you will notice that you have an abundance of coffins to choose one. One of the main differences between the coffins that are available is the material. More and more people are opting for cardboard coffins these days for various reasons. The main motive for going down this route is because cardboard is the most environmentally friendly material out of all of those used. Aside from this, you would be surprised by just how strong cardboard coffins, and you can easily purchase one that is designed to handle a higher weight. When you take these points into account, it is not difficult to see why cardboard coffins are the ideal choice. However, the material is only one aspect that needs to be considered when choosing a coffin, and there are other things you need to think about. Price is important for example. Of course, it seems horrendous to be thinking about money when you are laying a loved one to rest. You do need to be realistic and ensure you opt for something that you can afford. It is unlikely that your loved one will want you to get into financial difficulty because you have splashed out on one of the most expensive coffins. There are a number of different costs involved when it comes to planning a funeral, so this is something you always need to consider. How much does a funeral cost? Well, this does depend on where in the world you are based. It also depends on the size of the funeral, and the nature of the funeral as well. It is a good idea to make a list of all of the costs entailed so that you can budget effectively. Do not be afraid to ask family members for assistance either. You should not have to take the full burden yourself. Last but not least, the design of the coffin is very important. Traditionally, people opt for dark and neutral colours. However, more and more people are breaking away from the norm when it comes to this. There are coffins available in all colours, from orange to pink, and people are opting for bright and vibrant colours because they believe this is what their loved one will have wanted. You can also get the coffin personalized by having it painted with a special message or picture that will mean a lot to the person you are saying goodbye to. As you continue through the steps of laying a loved one to rest, consider the following supports in order to continue to cope in healthy ways: Grief Counselling Grief or bereavement counselling focuses on helping a grieving individual (or couple or family) through the process or stages of loss. Grief therapy can be especially important for an individual experiencing complicated grief, as it may not be possible to move through the stages of grief or mourning alone. Support Groups Joining a support group can be beneficial for a person to know that others have been through a similar experience of loss and can identify on some level with the pain that the loss has caused. Grief Helplines For some individuals, even the thought of leaving the house can be too much. Support can also be found over the phone through grief helplines. Many helplines are staffed by professional counsellors who trained volunteers who are adept at creating a safe and comforting space for an individual to express their grief in a short-term supportive environment. Online Therapy There are also many options for online counselling which can suit many individuals who would like more support through their grief. The options for online counselling are similar for face-to-face including video, audio-only, and chat with the benefit of being able to talk with a therapist in the comfort of your own home or office (and in your pajamas, if you want). Many people may have heard of the five stage of grief but understand these stages are not intended to be linear, nor does everyone who experiences grief move through all, or any, of the stages. The grieving process is a complex and unique process and it's okay to experience different symptoms or stages than others and to put your needs first as you go through the process of loss. Related Articles: The links in this article may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no additional cost to you. Want to start your own blog? Click here to visit the store!
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