|The holiday season is a truly remarkable time of year filled with memorable and enjoyable moments spent with family friends, yet the lead up to these experiences can cause unbelievable stress and even incite panic in some last minute shoppers. To avoid the stress and worry that can come with a lengthy holiday to-do list, I have rounded up some excellent posts from bloggers around the interweb who share great tips from self-care and stress-busting strategies, to financial considerations and even ways to avoid stress eating. My hope is that you find ways of becoming more prepared and also accepting any emotions that can come up during the holidays, but also discover some practical ways to enjoy and cherish any festive event that come your way this holiday season. A huge thank you to all the bloggers who agreed to have their work shared in this post! I am grateful to be able to highlight some of the fantastic reads this holiday season. Enjoy!
Holiday stress-busting posts:Mental Health
Organization Financial
Additional holiday articles: The links on this page may be embedded with affiliate links at no extra cost to you. Want to start you own blog? Click here!
12/13/2017 05:21:40 pm
Yes, it's unfortunate but true that the holidays can bring a lot of joy but also a lot of stress.. I hope you're able to find some useful tips with these articles, Daphne. Thanks for your comment!
12/11/2017 11:24:57 am
Thanks for these reminders! As in introvert with anxiety, I need these reminders each year!
12/13/2017 05:22:49 pm
It can be important to take care of yourself over the holidays.. I'm glad these reminders were helpful for you, Sara. Happy Holidays!
12/14/2017 12:38:17 pm
This is a really nice round-up. It is definitely easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, but we truly need to take time to enjoy family and rest and rejuvenate for the New Year!
12/14/2017 07:10:43 pm
Great round up! It is so important to stay focused and not get caught up in the hustle and bustle.
Thanks a lot for sharing our blog post and write this great round-up post.
1/25/2018 05:09:47 pm
Happy New Year to you, as well! I'm glad that you enjoyed the round-up post.
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