|Anxiety is something we all face in one way or another, and so it can be important to learn more about things to remember when you experience this very common phenomenon of feeling anxious.
The following blog article has been written by a fellow mental health blogger who has personal experience with anxiety. She shares some great information and tips on steps to take if the anxiety you're experiencing has become overwhelming for you.
Be sure to share your own experience of anxiety and tips to remember in the comments following the post. Enjoy the read!
My blog is where I put my passion into helping others, by sharing real life situations that I've personally been through, and how I'm able to overcome each one of them.
My ultimate goal is to spread awareness about mental health, to help people understand what it's really like to live with a mental illness. I hope that you enjoy this article, but more importantly, I hope that you don't forget them. Thank you for reading! 10 Things to Remember If You Have Anxiety
Here's why having anxiety isn't such a bad thing, and how it can actually work in your favor. Have you ever sat there and thought about what your life would be like if you didn't have anxiety?
Like: "What would I have accomplished that I could be proud of?" "How many more friends would I have?" Or, "What are some things that I've missed out on because anxiety always held me back?" I have...many times! At first, these thoughts practically controlled my life and made me feel like a failure. I would play the same things over and over again in my head, for hours upon hours, and days upon days. For instance: My graduation day -- if only I would've finished college; and the new car I could be driving around in if only I would've landed that dream job. I used to obsess over these thoughts and reflect on how much I wish that I never had to experience anxiety to this extent. The fact that I wasn't where I wanted to be or that I wasn't able to accomplish the things that I had set out to do, just overwhelmed me with extreme anxiety. I hated the fact that I had to give up so many things in my life because anxiety always stopped me. But here's the update: Those thoughts are long gone now. In fact, I think the very opposite of what I used to, and I'm thankful for everything I've learned and all the knowledge that I gained from this painful experience. "Life is a learning experience, only if you learn." ~Yoggi Berra I'm so happy to be where I'm at, at this point in my life and I'm thankful for where this experience has lead me. Even though I'm not EXACTLY where I want to be (yet), and those thoughts still naturally come up every now and then, I'm living my life as if I were already there and I'm working towards getting to where I want to be. I'm living my life doing what I'm passionate about. At the same time, I'm also making sure that I don't let certain thoughts control me (like they used to) and I'm living more in the moment, like I never have before. And you my friend, can have the same for your life as long as you remember that life is a journey, and we always have to expect the unexpected. So, next I'm going to share a few important things that I always try to remember whenever my mind tries to bring me back to that dark place again. Next time you're feeling bad about where you're at in life right now, try to remind yourself of these 10 things. 1. Anxiety Makes You Strong-Minded
I don't know about you, but I feel so much more powerful. And not in a weird "super power" way, just in a way that makes me feel empowered and excited to continue working on ways to improve my mental health.
Had it never been for my experience, I never would've thought to start meditating, or doing yoga, or even being more mindful, or any of that. I didn't realize how much I had been neglecting my mental health, previous to my experience. It wasn't until I was forced to do all of these good things for myself, that I realized how important and how powerful they are for our minds. Think of it this way; if you're doing all of these necessary things like: yoga, meditating, being more mindful, or exercising, you're one step ahead of everyone else. Because who do you know that takes these things as serious as someone with a mental illness? Therefore, you're actually on a path to a very strong-minded person (yourself), as long as you continue to improve in these areas of your life.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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