|Look around you at the moment.. are you around other people? If not, imagine you are in a crowded room. The people around you might be your friends, family, neighbours or even complete strangers. Now consider this statistic... 1 in every 6 people in the world today experiences a mental health concern such as anxiety or depression. So chances are, at least one person in the room you're in right now is experiencing a mental health concern right now. Given the fact that mental health concerns are so widespread, it's increasingly more important to shed light on this often times hush subject. Look back around the room.. did you also know that 1 in 5 adults have considered taking their own life at some point, as well? Suicide is not an often talked about subject, but it can be a constant thought for many people suffering in the silence of mental illness. When I heard about a UK-based film that was looking to tackle the subject of bringing to light the prevalence of mental health issues, as well as the importance of how an act of kindness can have positive ripple effects on the lives of so many people, I was immediately interested. This article will explore the concept and story behind the short film titled The Power of One Coin as well as information about the crowdfunding campaign that is required to get this film off the ground. The Power of One CoinShort Film Produced by @ThunderhawkUK and directed by @fgraziadei tackling the challenging topic of #mentalhealth #powerofonecoin The StoryThe Power of One Coin is a short film tackling the challenging subject of mental health in our society today. It aims to portray how small acts of kindness can have huge effects on people's lives, especially those whose lives are being affected by a mental illness. On the worst days a small act of kindness can even have the power to save a life. "The mission of this project is to raise awareness of how kindness, understanding, empathy and inclusion have the power to save the lives of people that have fallen into the black hole that is mental illness, a growing issue that could suddenly affect any one of us." PlotThe story follows five characters who have never met before, and seemingly have nothing in common. This all changes however, when one day their lives become intertwined, by a simple coin that travels through the hands of each person. We see how for each character, the coin plays a crucial part in encouraging small acts of kindness. But what they don’t know, is that kindness is powerful, and small selfless acts can have a huge positive impact. Although they are all suffering in some way, it only takes a single moment for everything to change. Facts
I am looking forward to this film being produced and shared around the world to help reduce the stigma of mental health and raise awareness of the importance of education around mental health concerns. One day we may live in a world that shows more kindness and compassion to those experiencing suffering, the same way we care and provide support for those with physical ailments. If you or anyone you know is concerned about their mental health or well-being, please reach out for more support from a doctor, mental health professional, or helpline. If you are in crisis or considering suicide, please reach out to emergency services such as 911 immediately. Check out these other posts about mental health on the blog: References: mentalhealth.org.uk, thepowerofonecoin.co.uk I am not affiliated with the film or production of The Power of One Coin in any way. I am just wanting to help spread the word about this film and the extraordinary importance of the message it will portray. Thank you for reading & considering supporting their efforts, as well!
I'm one in 6 and this film sounds amazing. We need to raise more awareness and be kind to ourselves and others- we have no idea what people are struggling with and a simple smile could help so much. If we banded together instead of stigmatizing mental health- oh what a world it could be!!
10/18/2017 06:34:34 pm
Yes, I completely agree with you, Jamie! I'm crossing my fingers this film gets the budget it needs to move forward so that it can help reduce the stigma that still exists out there about mental health concerns. Thank you so much for your comment!
9/29/2017 07:56:51 pm
The ripple effect is strong. One tiny ripple can cause a huge tidle wave.
10/18/2017 06:35:54 pm
That is a great metaphor to use.. mental health concerns never impact a person in isolation, there are always others who suffer, too. So hopefully the reverse is similar - supporting a person with mental health concerns can create this ripple effect of support. Thanks for your comment, Elise!
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