|Because of the internet and social media influence, there is even more attention and consideration for our mental health nowadays. Allowing yourself time to attend to your mental health is now met with support and appreciation because people are aware, now more than ever, that a good mental health leads to productivity and ultimately a happier outlook in life.
There are many ways one can improve their mental health. There is exercise which is a sure way of boosting one's mental health through the rush of endorphins associated with a good workout. Eating a good meal is something people turn to as well. Carbohydrates and proteins are known to produce neurotransmitters that elevate your mood.
A new way of improving one's mental health is the simple process of reorganizing one's room. Because our rooms are considered to be our safe space, making it orderly and clutter-free as possible can greatly contribute to our mental health. MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE VAULTGreat!Check your email for instructions on how to access the Mental Health Resource Vault. :) 7 Ways to Reorganize Your Bedroom to Improve Mental Health
1. Declutter
Leaving stuff laying everywhere can cause you to feel anxious and your brain over-stimulated. You will begin to feel as disorganized with yourself. It's important that each item in your room has a designated space to keep things organized. Throw away items you haven't used or opened in years. Make sure to regularly empty out trash bins so garbage doesn't pile up. Fold clean clothes and put them away immediately, don't just put them on your bed or on a chair for days on end. Donate old clothes you haven't worn in over 6 months. This will free up space in your closet and make it tidier. 2. Rearrange It's good to do a little makeover of your room every once in a while. You can do this by moving your bed into a new position, like by a window so you wake up with a good amount of sunlight. That always boosts anyone's mood in the morning. You can move your other furniture also to make it seem like you have a larger space in your room and add a different perception to your room. 3. Add Some Greenery One way to change up the mood in a room is by adding life to it. There are numerous indoor plants on the market that not only liven up a room but can also be good for your overall health. Aloe Vera plants, a type of succulent that is easy to grow, can help clear toxins in a room. You can put them near a window or on a desk. Spider plants are resilient and don't require much attention. They grow best on dry soil and indirect sunlight. Chrysanthemums can add a bit of color to your room. These are perfect for spots near windows as they thrive best under bright light. They come in a multitude of color. 4. Color Color choice has always had an effect on our mood. That's why interior decorators are always fussing about the right color in a room to evoke a homey feeling. Cool colors have been known to be calming like green and blue because these are colors associated with nature. There's no need to paint your whole room either green or blue, but you can use them as accents. You can get pillows and bed covers in cool colors or if you're feeling up to the task, paint a section of your wall. Getting furniture in these colors can also be an option.
5. Art and Photos
Decorating your room in personal photos and wall art can greatly enhance your mood. Seeing the lovely memories you've made with friends and families is a great way to remind yourself of who you are and that there are countless people around that care and love you deeply. It will also give you a chance to remember the good times and that things do get better in time. Art pieces like paintings or professional photographs are also a good way to brighten up your room. Choosing the right art that evokes calmness or relaxation can really contribute to your mental health. 6. Scent Smell can influence your mood tremendously that's why the aromatherapy industry is growing. Scent has been known to be a great way to remind us of good or bad memories. That's why lighting an aromatherapy candle that smells of the beach or flowers can greatly lower our stress and anxiety level. Scent bags are also an alternative if burning a candle in your room is not an option. Or you can take it up a notch by making your own potpourri. Not only do these make your room smelling fresh and clean but they're also great accent pieces in a room. 7. Bright and Light Don't be afraid of the light. Open your windows and let as much light into your room as possible. It can make a room feel lively and less gloomy. Sunlight can also be good to regulate your sleep cycle, making it easier to wake up in the morning. A bright room can seem more spacious and less cramped, too. Author Bio: Annah Brooks, a blogger by passion, loves to write about home renovation and remodeling. She is currently working for wallbedsbywilding.com, which offers an array of finest quality handcrafted wall beds and innovative space-saving products. Additional Mental Health Resources:
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12/1/2018 06:33:23 pm
Same, I find the smell of lavender so relaxing. Thanks for sharing, Cristy! 12/1/2018 06:35:23 pm
I'm glad you found these tips helpful, Wendy. Thanks for your comment! 10/13/2018 08:19:41 pm
Great advice Heather! It really is amazing what some colour and greenery can do eh? Lifts the spirits something fierce ^^. I need to do some decluttering soon too. It's good for the soul. Thank you tons for the ideas and inspiration ♡ 12/1/2018 06:38:05 pm
I feel like I am constantly decluttering living in a small space, but it feels good every time I rearrange or add something new. 10/14/2018 08:19:04 pm
I love these tips, especially the scent! I've been meaning to get a diffuser and some oils. Is there a diffuser you'd recommend? 12/1/2018 06:39:51 pm
Hi Ashley! Good question.. I use the VicTsing 300ML Essential Oil Diffuser (found on Amazon) and it works great. I have the smaller version for my bedroom, too. Comments are closed.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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