|You may find yourself surrounded by frustrating people at some place in your life whether a colleague at work, a roommate or even one of your family. Unfortunately, life might not give us the choice to take these people out and you end up with losing faith in yourself and doubting your capabilities.
For me, things were much harder as I experienced that my little family I got into depression and I found myself continually in that situation where I couldn't finish an important work or take a decision connected to my future.
Living alone and consider all your life aspects isn't an option in a conservative Arabian family. Since I experienced that for years and I finally had the chance to make a difference in my life, I decided to take a leap and create my own space against that and discovered three ways of dealing with frustrating people in my life. MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE VAULTGreat!Check your email for instructions on how to access the Members Only Resource Vault. 3 Ways to Deal With Frustrating People This YearYou can't stand for yourself or protect from nonconstructive thoughts, people who judge or even ask you for an explanation, unless you create your own faith and love yourself first. You may find that cliche but it is your ultimate way to reach to the sky. Below I will mention some ways that I worked my life and self-confidence through. Know Who You Are For a long time, I had searched for what self-love really is, how I truly love who I am and stand behind that, how to accept good criticism and stay away from any destructive messages. The solution for me is looking deep down yourself, create a connection with your mind and heart, know what you want and where you want to be. My self-confidence and uncountable faith in what I can do, that I have my own control over my life is what really helped me. Don't be scared of sitting alone discovering your weakness points and figuring out your mistakes before anyone does, always check what you do and how it will affect your next steps. Sometimes we get intimidated with thinking of our actions or get too close to ourselves and we push it away instead, no one can understand you but yourself so don't be afraid to create that contract. Set Limits Even the closest person to you should know their limits where they can stop from interfering your life, it is much harder to put one for your family away from judging or sending their messages out of love of course! It is some kind of emotional imposition that many people practice in our lives whether a close friend, partner or family member, don't be shy of speaking up and defend your privacy. Some might get annoyed but don't lose yourself because you don't want to distance yourself from someone who doesn't match your worth. I remember that much disturbance in home when I repeatedly kept pushing my family away from my personal life and that I only have the right to take control of my life. It took much time for me to accomplish what I have today, but I do care for the result and I give myself all the time to heal from any harm they caused to my soul. Sometimes we can't tell if that person really meant the hurt, but only you can tell what frustrates or makes you doubt yourself so don't give others the space, whether they meant to cause hurt or not. Figure Out Your Capabilities Knowing what you can do and what you have done will give you much confidence to weigh what people tell you and take what helps you out while throwing away all the negative talk. Many times my family tried to put me down telling me that I can't do that or won't succeed that or even should try that instead, but focusing on what I want and realizing what I can do using all I have and following my passion led me to the right road. You might not make it from the first try and you may lose hope and start believing what they have poisoned your soul with, but getting yourself together and reminding yourself what you can do and what you dream about will take you out of that loop. The destructive criticism and frustrating and depressing thoughts from people around you don't only restrict your goals and capabilities but also your dreams for your life. I experienced the same from others on the way l look, and at first, I let these words control me. I knew that I was hurting myself more than they were, so don't do that to yourself and be sure you focus on the positive things about yourself. Always reverse hurtful words and remember, don't change for anyone - you are beautiful the way you are and only you can thrive in life or turn into a gloomy rut. About the Guest Author
Hi readers! My name is Chimaa Jwsk and I am passionate about anything give women more power and inspiration to go through their lives’ journeys. I enjoy reading and blogging about inspirational and aspiring thoughts that float in girls’ minds about wellness, society, culture, and style.
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4/16/2019 06:35:40 am
Know who you are is so huge. A lot of things just don't bother me any more since I don't let them. I'm comfortable in my own skin. :)
4/19/2019 04:51:24 pm
I'm so glad to hear that you feel comfortable with who you are, Maria! It can be a process, but so worth it to get to this point. :)
4/19/2019 04:53:25 pm
I was so grateful for Chimma's honesty in this post! I'm glad you had some takeaways from it, too. Thanks for stopping by, Nicole!
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