|Health, and more specifically, women's health, is an extremely important area of our lives that is often the area of our lives that takes a back seat in terms of importance. If you are great at taking care of your own health, that is awesome ~ keep it up! Share your tips in the comments below this article so we can learn about your health routine.
On the other hand, if you are reading this because you know for a fact that your health and well-being has been taking a backseat lately, the questions in this article should help to steer you in the direction of taking better care of yourself.
It's also important to remember that you deserve to feel good, and as women there can be a lot of issues that come up (ahem, even monthly) that make us feel like crap. So anything we can do to help our minds and bodies feel refreshed and healthier is going to improve your overall life.
Please note: This article does not contain healthcare or therapeutic advice. If you are concerned about your health or well-being, speak with a health professional or visit your nearest medical facility in an emergency. The links in this article may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no additional cost to you.
MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE VAULTGreat!Check your email for instructions on how to access the Members Only Resource Vault. Women's Health: 3 Essential Questions
There are undoubtedly many questions that we can ask about our health, and if you are reading this right now and experiencing any pain or extreme discomfort because of a health concern, I highly encourage you to connect with a healthcare professional right away. It's important to have medical support and you deserve to have help with what you're going through.
That being said, it can be helpful to consider a few essential questions to ask about our health on an ongoing basis, so that we are maintaining our well-being and taking care of ourselves and our bodies. Let's get going!
1 | Am I currently experiencing any health issues?
Close your eyes for a moment and check in with how you are feeling... have you been worried about a particular health symptom or issue for awhile or more recently, but have been putting off checking into what's going on because of being so busy or caring for others?
There can be many reasons for putting off health issues from embarrassment or shame, or perhaps even thinking that it might just go away over time. I'm here to tell you that our minds and bodies are extremely complicated... so it can be completely normal for our health to be out of sync at times whether it be from stress or illness, taking medications, and so many other reasons. Give yourself permission to find out more about these health issues you have been worrying about, rather than sweeping these concerns under the rug. Some of the first steps to take might be:
There are also many resources online that can help to increase your understanding of health issues and educate on natural or lifestyle changes that can make significant changes in some of the health issues you might be facing, like Candida or Thyroid issues, for example.
2 | Am I taking supplements that are right for me?
First off, what the heck are supplements (also known as dietary supplements) anyways? According to the National Institute on Aging:
"Dietary supplements are substances you might use to add nutrients to your diet or to lower your risk of health problems, like osteoporosis or arthritis. Dietary supplements come in the form of pills, capsules, powders, gel tabs, extracts, or liquids. They might contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, herbs or other plants, or enzymes. Sometimes, the ingredients in dietary supplements are added to foods, including drinks. A doctor’s prescription is not needed to buy dietary supplements." Since every person on the planet is different, there really aren't any one-size-fits-all supplements to take, and there are certain supplements that help lower health risks for women in particular. If you are only taking a chewable Vitamin C every morning, chances are you need to up your supplement game! Some of the supplements that can help women's health in particular are:
A multivitamin may contain many of the essential supplements that are best for women's health, but it's always good to check in with a professional for more tailored advice. A doctor, dietitian, or naturopath are great options to check in with.
3 | How do I care for my physical, emotional and spiritual health as a woman?
This question is super important because it brings attention to the fact that health is not just one area (physical) that we might typically think of when we are asked about how we are feeling. Health is made up of many different components are can be impacted by physical issues such as illness, but also emotional such as stress or mental health concerns, as well as questions that may come up around the religious or spiritual areas of our lives.
Seeking the support of a medical professional is a great way to find out information and receive treatment for physical ailments. A therapist may be a great option for checking in with your emotional or mental health and too find support or discover ways to heal this component of your well-being. And when it comes to religious or spiritual health, seeking the guidance or wisdom of a spiritual leader or healer, or joining a group of like-minded individuals, may help.
After reading through this article, my hope for you is that you not only have been able to consider that your own health is unique to you, but that your health also deserves a unique plan that fits your current life. Be sure to check out the related resources below to continue your journey of health and well-being! Also check out:
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