|It can be common for the end of the year to bring about reflection from the previous 365 days with thoughts about what you have been able to accomplish, the best and worst moments you experienced, and possibly even some regrets or sadness. Yet, almost instantaneously, your mindset can shift to the new year filled with possibilities and new goals to set. Perhaps the title of this article drew you in, and rightfully so with so many YouTube videos and blog posts focused on setting and achieving goals for the new year. Some recommend forgoing the word 'resolution' since it can be common to set new years goals and never accomplish fully them, and that can break about disappointment. But I'm not going to tell you what to call these goals or dreams that you have. After all, they are yours. And that is actually the secret (spoiler alert). The best way to plan your 2020 life goals is to decide for yourself what feels right. Read that again. :) These are dreams that have come from within yourself and only you can create a goal, set up a plan that is right for you, and bring these dreams to reality. Rather than just leaving you with just this nugget of wisdom, keep reading as I share some helpful tips on what has propelled me to success in setting and actually achieving goals. The Best Way to Plan Your 2020 Life GoalsAlright, let's get into some practical tips that can help you on the right path of creating your goals and knocking them down in 2020. I eluded to this tip in the introduction, but I would highly recommend starting with reflection. Make sure you have a quiet space to sit, or better yet write down, and reflect on 2019. Here are some prompts to help you:
Once you are satisfied with your reflection, move on to the next step of planning your life goals, which is to choose your word for the year! Okay, this might seem a bit silly.. how can you accurately describe what you want to see in your life and year in just one word? Surprisingly, I have found that it can help me to refocus to think back on my word throughout the year. A lot can come up and change even within your daily life, so having a word that identifies the trajectory you want your next year to go can be really key. Write down your word of the year and put it in a place you frequent, perhaps your office, the fridge, or on the back of the bedroom door. You can even write it down in a bunch of places so that you're constantly reminded. Recommended: Ultimate Planning Super Pack | 320+ Pages Next is the really fun part.. well I think it's fun. The brain dump! Basically you want to find a place to be able to write down or type out everything that's in your mind related to what you want to accomplish in the next year. Life goals means everything... health, finances, mental health, relationship, career, business, family... write it all down! Don't worry about making categories or writing neatly. Once you have your brain dump complete, take a moment to consider how you feel. Generally, I have a sense of feeling lighter and less burdened. All of the goals we have for ourselves can sometimes feel heavy, and so being able to externalize them in this way can actually be very healthy. The final step in planning your life goals of 2020 is to organize everything you have just written out. Use the SMART goals method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound) so that you have a clear path to success in achieving these dreams for yourself. And just a reminder, the best way to plan your 2020 life goals is to decide for yourself what feels right. The suggestions I have given in this article are merely that - suggestions. You decide what works best for you. I hope this article helped you to start planning your 2020 life goals! Here are some recommended resources to get your started, and be sure to share your progress in the comments below. Recommended Planning Resources: The links in this article may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no additional cost to you. Want to start your own blog? Click here to learn how!
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