|Failing to look after your feet could result in you developing all kinds of foot problems from ingrown toenails to plantar fasciitis. Such problems could make activities like jumping, running or even walking painful. By starting to look after your feet now, you can reduce the risk of damage to your feet in the long run. Below are just a few tips for guaranteeing happy feet. Please note: This collaborative article does not contain healthcare, therapeutic or financial advice. If you are concerned about your health or well-being, speak with a health professional or visit your nearest medical facility in an emergency. The links in this article may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no additional cost to you. Wear the right footwear The type of footwear you wear is likely to have the biggest impact on the health of your feet. Certain footwear is likely to be better for certain activities, preventing injuries and general discomfort. A few footwear rules that could protect your feet include:
Trim those toenails properly Trimming toenails properly can prevent painful ingrown toenails. Make sure that toenails do not get long enough to press against the end of your shoe. You should also always cut straight across and not in a circular shape - this will prevent toenails growing outwards at the sides. Moisturise your feet The skin on our feet can get very dry and hard. Corns and cracked heels don’t look pleasant and can cause pain. You can prevent them by getting into a good habit of moisturising your feet every day. This will keep the skin soft by introducing extra oils. If you already have hard skin, it could be worth looking into a pedicure or buying a pumice stone to use at home. Related: 5 Habits for a Strong & Healthy Body Give your feet a soak Soaking your feet daily helps to get rid of sweat, which can prevent odours and infections like athlete’s foot. Putting your feet in warm water is also good for reducing inflammation, helping to ease any existing foot pain that you may have. A hot bath is the best way to treat your feet, soaking them while giving them a rest. Know when to give your feet a break If you’re constantly on your feet, you’re more likely to develop foot problems. Once you start feeling aches, it’s a sign that you’re causing damage. Some jobs may not allow you to rest your feet, in which case you should try to sit down as much as possible when not at work. When it comes to activities like running and jumping, you are more likely to cause foot injuries by overexerting yourself. Once pain starts to become more than a dull ache, make sure to take a break from such exercises so that you don’t develop long term injuries. Related: Regain Control Of Your Health Through These 6 Tips The links on this page may be embedded with affiliate links that I am compensated for at no additional cost to you.
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