|Morning routines are especially important in the current situation around the world, with many people staying at home to keep themselves and others safe. Even if you wouldn't normally work out at home (or at all), being sedentary for long periods of time can cause many physical issues such as feeling tense or even mental health issues such as a lack of energy or even feeling anxious or down.
Thankfully we still have access to the internet, and we can use this connection in positive ways, such as accessing at-home yoga videos. A simple google search will reveal 2 trillion results! All you need is a small space in your home, a soft surface and your phone to follow along with the video (bonus points if you have a TV you can stream it on).
Keep reading to explore more of the benefits of creating an at home morning yoga routine and a few of my favourite yoga videos! Please note: The information in this article is not medical advice. If you are concerned about your health and well-being, concerned you may have an eating disorder or if you or someone else is in an immediate crisis situation, reach out to a health professional, crisis line, or your nearest emergency service for more support. This article contains affiliate links. At Home Morning Yoga Routine
In a previous article, I talked about 10 Health Benefits of Yoga:
WOW! That's a ton of benefits. And even with knowing these benefits, it can be tough to motivate ourselves (especially first thing in the morning) to stretch, let alone follow along with a 20-minute yoga video. One way to increase this motivation to follow-through with this morning yoga routine is to create your own personal affirmation. If you want to learn how to create your own affirmation, check out the free download in the mental health resource vault that can help you through the steps. Essentially, positive affirmations can help our brains think more positively so that we can feel more positively and this can lead to us making positive changes about how we feel about ourselves and our lives. Here is a few simple affirmation to say to yourself: "I accept myself as I am" "I feel good about myself." "I love and approve of myself." "The past has no power over me." Feel free to share your own affirmations in the comments below this article as well as how using these positive affirmations has been helpful in your daily life or yoga routine. JOIN THE MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE VAULTGreat!Check your email for instructions on how to access the Mental Health Resource Vault. Even though you may have only just rolled out of bed, you will want to change out of your comfortable pajamas into yoga clothes - like these yoga pants or workout bra - for several reasons. First, it can be a mental shift to change into a designated outfit that is only for yoga or working out. Staying in your pj's might cause you to choose other, more sedentary activities such as sitting on your couch, sipping your coffee and scrolling through the emails on your phone. Recommended Yoga Products for the Morning: Another reason to lay out a cute yoga outfit for the morning is because it's safer to wear tighter fitting clothing rather than loose fitting pajamas that you may be waking up in. Although yoga is a low intensity activity, you won't want to be tripping on the bottom of your pants or over-sized sleep shirt as you go through the exercises. If you are looking for a looser yoga pants check out these workout or sweatpants. Ready to get started with your at morning yoga routine? Follow along with MadFit on Youtube with this 20 minutes morning yoga video. Once you're stretched and relaxed, you might want to spend a few minutes getting your sweat on. Have you water bottle nearby because keeping hydrated is so important, especially in the morning. Make sure you have your fitness tracker comfortably positioned and connected so that you can see the progress of your workout. Learn more here if you have been considering purchasing a fitness tracker for heart rate readings and exercise inspiration. There are tons of options for more intense workouts, including the quick 10 minute cardio with MadFit below. I also really enjoy Blogilates on Youtube who has a very upbeat and positive personality to get you in the mood to get your body moving. She has videos that target particular areas of your body (glutes, abs, booty, to name a few) and her instructions are really simple and motivating.
Recommended Workout Products:
Do you have a favourite work out that you follow along to, or a Youtube personality that you adore watching? Let me know in the comments below! I'm always interested in checking out new content. Other recommend workout equipment to get your sweat on:
I hope this article has given you the motivation to start your day off on the right foot (literally in some poses) with an at home morning yoga routine, and that you are feeling less tense and calmer in your mind by the end of your yoga or workout session.
And if starting your yoga routine at home has given you the inspiration to step outside of your comfort zone, consider exploring a yoga retreat to meet other like-minded yogis in a tranquil environment! Related Fitness Articles:
The links in this article may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no additional cost to you. Want to start your own blog? Click here to visit the store!
6/5/2020 03:11:22 pm
This was so incredibly detailed and well put-together! I've been wanting to get into the habit of exercising at home more, great tool!
1/4/2023 06:36:27 pm
New Year's resolution... be intentional about getting exercise. I'm going to try morning yoga. I just retired after years and years of a sedentary work life. Thank you! Comments are closed.
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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