|A mental health topic that is not often be talked about in every life, but that impacts a huge percentage of the population around the world, relates to an individuals relationship with food that is interconnected with self-esteem and body image. It is estimated that 20 million women and 10 million men in the USA will experience an eating disorder during their lifetime. Although there are several types of distinct eating disorders, there are others that may not fit neatly into the categories specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual that is used to diagnose mental health disorders. To understand this 'unseen problem' better, the guest blogger of the following article describes a first-person experience of life with an eating disorder which highlights the importance of reaching out and accepting support and treatment along the way. Please note: The information in this article is not medical advice. If you are concerned about your health and well-being, concerned you may have an eating disorder or if you or someone else is in an immediate crisis situation, reach out to a health professional, crisis line, or your nearest emergency service for more support. An Unseen Problem: |
About the Guest Blogger | Amanda @ mandahope.com I am a 30 year old stay at home mom, who does their best to grow and learn everyday. I am an introvert, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like a good party. I function despite having bipolar II, anxiety, and depression. I hope to help others that are mentally ill, but hey, there are tips on here that are good for you, whether you’re mentally ill or not. |
From someone who used to have an eating disorder and recovered, this is a very helpful post to others that may not be aware.
Thanks for sharing
Hello, this Amanda, the writer who guest posted. I am glad you liked this blog post. I am also glad you have recovered :)
Thank you both for sharing this - by writing this article as well as by publishing this and sharing it with your community. As someone who was diagnosed with and lived with EDNOS throughout a good part of my life, I understand all too well the struggles that you're discussing. Especially the fact that it can so easily fly under the radar because you don't necessarily 'look sick'.
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