|Blogging has become an ideal and favoured method for quickly and electronically transmitting information around the web. Searching Google for the word blog returns an astounding 6.8 million results which reveals their popularity and scope on an international scale.
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Narrowing the Google search to a specific niche, it's apparent that blogs house a considerable amount of data and can range from topics of interests such as DIY, resources for WAHMs, personal memoirs or fictional stories and even how-to's of content creation (like how to start a blog in minutes).
It can be overwhelming to find a blog that suits your interest or reading style, and being critical of the information that you're reading can help narrow this search. Blogs that identify referral sources or that are written by credible professionals are more likely to contain relevant and accurate information.
Being a mental health professional myself, I tend to gravitate towards the blogs that help me to learn more about the behaviour and psyche of others and myself. It can be tough to sift through the seemingly endless content shared on the internet, so I have selected a few of my favourite mental health blogs as recommendations. 1. MindYourMind
Aimed at engaging and promoting young people as experts at the intersection of mental health and wellness, this website and blog has a wealth of information on topics such as depression, coping, relationships, stigma and more.
One of their posts I stumbled upon reveals that depression really can impact anyone, but the rate of people experiencing a depressed mood and reaching out for help is shockingly low. Their help section highlights resources anyone can access for support. Also check out their expression blog for relevant and in-your-face accounts of the experience of living with mental illness, as well as to-the-point advice on how to cope. 2. TED Talks Blog
ideas.ted.com has a large array of blog posts on many different topics (and accompanying videos). Using the search term 'mental health' reveals a lengthy list of enlightening posts such as Psychologist Guy Winch's 7 ways to Practice Emotional First Aid or the idea of Mindfulness from Buddhist teachings in the post Want to be happy? Slow down.
If you'd rather check out a Ted Talk video, consider watching Psychologist Kelly McGonigal talk about how stress can actually be good for us in the TED talk: How to Make Stress your Friend.
Also check out this awesome Stress Management Guide created by Relax Like a Boss.
Even more mental health resources:
Following any interesting mental health blogs not listed here? Share the link in the comments below so that others can follow, too!
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