|Living in the city center comes with a lot of great benefits. You probably won't need to leave your apartment regularly because everything can be delivered which is a major convenience. Unfortunately, living so close to the city center has plenty of downsides you will most likely be less than happy with. It's worth knowing what to expect before moving into a new apartment. You don't want to break your lease after a couple of months because you're unhappy with the situation or environment. Let's look at some disadvantages you'll come up against while living in the city center. Please note: This collaborative article does not contain healthcare or therapeutic advice. If you are concerned about your health or well-being, speak with a health professional or visit your nearest medical facility in an emergency. The links in this article may be affiliate links that I will be compensated for at no additional cost to you. 1. You'll Be Exposed To Loud Noises Imagine how many things will be going on outside while you're trying to chill at home in your apartment. Cities can be very busy, even at night. Thousands of vehicles will pass your Vaughan replacement windows per hour. Heavy drinkers will stumble past your bedroom after midnight. There are some techniques you can use to soundproof your home, but it will be louder than what you're used to if you're not from the city. It's impossible to keep out certain sounds, like very loud ambulance and fire truck sirens. 2. You Never Truly Get To Be Alone You'll never be truly alone when you live in a busy city. As soon as you walk outside, even if it's only to grab bread and milk from the local shop, you'll bump into lots of people. Luckily, everyone will usually ignore you as they go about the busy hustle of their day. It's difficult knowing that you will always be surrounded by other people, especially if you've grown up next to fields and farm animals. The only way to be alone in the city is to stay in your apartment rather than venture out into the bustling city. 3. There Isn't A Lot Of Green Around Can you see lots of green when you look out your East Gwillimbury replacement windows? You might see a few trees and a patch of grass if anything, but you won't see forests, hills, and lush fields. Something feels different when green is the only color you can see for miles. It gives you a sense of inner peace, which is hard to find in cities. The only way to replicate the experience is by escaping to the countryside for a few days. Related: Regain Control Of Your Health Through These 6 Tips 4. The Fumes Are Bad For Your Health Although you may not smoke, it can be hard, or even impossible, to escape the toxic fumes in the city. Tesla's and other electric probably don't help this issue much because there are so many other vehicles waiting in traffic, and many large trucks and buses driving around. Have you seen how much dirty fumes come spilling out of their exhaust pipes non-stop? Most people are tired of wearing a face mask so this may not be an option for you, so the extra pollution is something you'll need to accept as part of living in the city center. Unfortunately, breathing in the fumes of the city is not an ideal way to stay healthy. 5. Everyone Is Moving Far Too Fast Everyone always has somewhere to go when they're in the city. It feels like people walk around like they're competing in a race, and it's worse if they have their phones out texting or talking as they move around. Nobody can even see where they're going! The pace of life is more relaxed when you leave the concrete jungle of the city. Try to chill out when you're wandering around in busy neighborhoods. It's impossible to feel relaxed because everyone else is sprinting from A to B. Living in the City Centre Does Have Some Benefits The city center has benefits you won't find in the countryside, so you can't just drive away and never look back. It's best to come up with tricks to work around the disadvantages we've looked at today such as finding greenspaces like parks or gardens to visit, finding quiet in libraries or museums to have some serenity, and ensuring that you're surrounding yourself with kind and supportive friends to spend time with when you want to be social. Related: 3 Ways to Maintain a Work-Life Balance The links on this page may be embedded with affiliate links that I am compensated for at no additional cost to you.
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