|Creative hobbies are a fantastic way to unwind and express yourself, making them a great choice to help you achieve mental stability and peace throughout your day. Being able to sit down and relax while painting can help soothe your nerves, give you something to look forward to and also create talking points in conversations.
|On a scale of 1 to 10, how stressed would you say you are right now? Chances are you're not a 1 (zen-like state) and hopefully you're not a 10 (and if you are, I would encourage you to stop reading this article right away so you can take care of yourself first!). Chances are, you're probably somewhere in the middle. Maybe you're worried about a big deadline coming up at work, or the pile of laundry in the corner that keeps giving you the stink-eye (literally). The truth it.. life is stressful!
|You may find yourself surrounded by frustrating people at some place in your life whether a colleague at work, a roommate or even one of your family. Unfortunately, life might not give us the choice to take these people out and you end up with losing faith in yourself and doubting your capabilities.
|People often feel that the only way to maintain mental health is to give all of yourself, day after day. No matter if that’s in the gym or at work, our culture celebrates giving 100% continually, with often no care for the potential burnout that causes.
|We’re currently living through something of an anxiety epidemic. Severe and chronic anxiety affects more than 12 per cent of Canadians every year, according to the Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada. Many people experience some level of anxiety at some point in their lifetime.
|The holiday season can be a costly time of year but with a little imagination and some help from the world of blogging, you can learn how to create your own low-cost, do-it-yourself holiday crafts to share as gifts, centerpieces, or even as self-care options to unwind after a long day of baking!
|Nobody’s brain is perfect and everyone can have a moment of forgetfulness here and there. Perhaps you just had a stressful day or you can’t get concerns off your mind. Regardless of the reason, check out these seven mantras people use to boost their memories. Some of them may surprise you, but rest assured that they are effective, which is the most important thing!
Welcome to the blog!↓ That's me, Heather. :)
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